Learn 100 synonyms for words in English. Synonyms words are an important part of English vocabulary. There are many words in English that have many other words which we can use in place of the English words. In this lesson, we are going to discuss the most common 100 Synonyms Words of English with a free PDF Book. This lesson consists of 100 Common synonyms words in English. Learn this lesson entirely and enhance your daily life conversation and vocabulary skills.
100 Synonyms Words In English
Here we provided the easiest method to memorize these synonyms words in English. These words can be used in our daily life conversation. These 100 synonyms words are going to strengthen your English Vocabulary and Conversation skills.
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonym |
Acrimony | Harshness, bitterness | Arraign | Incriminate, indict |
Amplify | Augment, deepen | Abolish | Abrogate, annual |
Accord | Agreement, harmony | Adversity | Misfortune, calamity |
Abate | Moderate, decrease | Acumen | Awareness, brilliance |
Adhere | Comply, observe | Abash | Disconcert, rattle |
Absolve | Pardon, forgive | Alleviate | Abate, relieve |
Abound | Flourish, proliferate | Allure | Entice, fascinate |
Abject | Despicable, servile | Adherent | Follower, disciple |
Axiom | Adage, truism | Authentic | Accurate, credible |
Abortive | Vain, unproductive | Adamant | Stubborn, inflexible |
Adjunct | Joined, Added | Admonish | Counsel, reprove |
Allay | Pacify, soothe | Alien | Foreigner, outsider |
Awkward | Rude, blundering | Ascend | Climb Escalate |
Abjure | Forsake, renounce | Audacity | Boldness, Courage |

Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonym |
Batty | Insane, silly | Conspicuous | Prominent, Obvious |
Bold | Adventurous | Contrary | Dissimilar, Conflicting |
Bleak | Grim, Austere | Censure | Rebuke, Reprimand |
Befogged | Becloud, Dim | Callous | Obdurate, Unfeeling |
Barren | Desolate, Sterile | Capable | Competent, Able |
Benevolent | Benign, Generous | Consequence | Effect, Outcome |
Barrier | Barricade, Obstacle | Contempt | Scorn, Disregard |
Bewitching | Alluring, charming | Candid | Blunt, Bluff |
Baffle | Astound, Faze | Camouflage | Cloak, Disguise |
Base | Vulgar, Coarse | Carnal | Earthly, Fleshly |
Baroque | Florid, gilt | Captivate | Beguile, Bewitch |
Busy | Active, Engaged | Captivity | Imprisonment, Confinement |
Brittle | Breakable, crisp | Chaste | Virtuous, Pure |
Bind | Predicament | Compact | Bunched, Thick |
Benign | Favorable, friendly | Calamity | Adversity, Misfortune |
Baffle | Astound, Faze | Calculating | Canny, Devious |
Blunt | Dull, Insensitive | Comic | Clown, Jester |
Bawdy | Erotic, Coarse | Captivate | Charm, Fascinate |
Cunning | Acute, Smart | Comprise | Include, Contain |
Learn Huge List of English Vocabulary Lessons

Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonym |
Concede | Yield, Permit | Calumny | Defamation |
Callous | Insensitive | Concur | Approve, Agree |
Calm | Harmonious | Celebrated | Acclaimed, Lionized |
Consent | Agree, Permit | Catholic | Generic, Liberal |
Contradict | Deny, Oppose | Chastise | Punish, Admonish |
Cement | Plaster, Mortar | Consolidate | Solidify, Strengthen |
Clandestine | Covert, Furtive | Compassion | Kindness, Sympathy |
Creation | Formation | Coarse | Bawdy, Boorish |
Courtesy | Generosity | Classic | Simple, Typical |
Condemn | Castigate, Chide | Cease | Terminate, Desist |
Cheap | Competitive | Docile | Pliable, Pliant |
Conceit | Egotism, Immodesty | Eclipse | Diminution |
Consolidate | Centralize, Fortify | Eccentric | Strange, Abnormal |
Compress | Abbreviate, Shrink | Encumbrance | Hindrance, Obstacle |
Confident | Bold, Undaunted | Equivocal | Uncertain, Hazy |
Condemn | Castigate, Chide | Eager | Keen, Acquisitive |

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