Learn daily chores in English with images. In this lesson, we are going to learn a list of action verbs in English with their images. This lesson contains 332 Daily Chores Action Verbs picture vocabulary in English. Learn the entire lesson and enhance your daily conversation and communication skills.
Action Verbs
Action verbs are words that describe an action, occurrence, or state of being. They are words that convey an activity that someone or something does. Here are some steps to define action verbs in English:
- Identify the verb: Look for the word that describes an action in the sentence.
Example: She sings beautifully.
The verb in this sentence is “sings.”
- Determine if the verb is an action verb: Once you have identified the verb, ask yourself if it represents an action, occurrence, or state of being.
Example: She sings beautifully.
The verb “sings” represents an action.
- Check if the verb is transitive or intransitive: A transitive verb takes an object, while an intransitive verb does not.
Example: She sings a song.
The verb “sings” is transitive because it takes the object “a song.”
Example: She sings beautifully.
The verb “sings” is intransitive because it does not take an object.
- Use context clues: Sometimes, it may be difficult to determine if a verb is an action verb or not. In such cases, you can use the context of the sentence to help you.
Example: John looks at the sky.
In this sentence, “looks” is not an action verb but a linking verb because it connects the subject “John” with the predicate “at the sky.”
Example: John looks for his keys.
In this sentence, “looks” is an action verb because it represents the activity of searching for something.
By following these steps, you can effectively define action verbs in English.
Daily Chores
Daily chores are the routine tasks that we perform regularly to keep our home and surroundings clean, organized, and functional. These tasks include activities such as doing the laundry, washing dishes, cooking meals, cleaning the house, and taking care of pets.
Daily chores are essential for maintaining hygiene and creating a healthy living environment. They also help us develop discipline, responsibility, and time management skills. Though these tasks can be tedious, they are necessary for our well-being and should be approached with a positive attitude. By incorporating daily chores into our routine, we can lead a more efficient and stress-free life.
Action Verbs List in English
Here is a list of 300 action verbs that we perform in our daily lives:
- Act
- Add
- Adjust
- Advertise
- Answer
- Appear
- Apply
- Arrange
- Ask
- Attack
- Bake
- Bathe
- Believe
- Bet
- Bind
- Bite
- Blend
- Blink
- Boil
- Borrow
- Bounce
- Bow
- Break
- Bring
- Build
- Burn
- Buy
- Calculate
- Call
- Canvass
- Capture
- Care
- Carry
- Carve
- Cast
- Catch
- Challenge
- Change
- Charge
- Chase
- Chat
- Cheat
- Check
- Cheer
- Choose
- Chop
- Claim
- Clean
- Clear
- Click
- Climb
- Close
- Coach
- Collect
- Color
- Come
- Command
- Communicate
- Compare
- Compete
- Complain
- Complete
- Compose
- Compute
- Concentrate
- Conceptualize
- Concern
- Conclude
- Conduct
- Confirm
- Connect
- Conserve
- Consider
- Construct
- Consult
- Consume
- Contact
- Contain
- Continue
- Contribute
- Control
- Convert
- Coordinate
- Copy
- Correct
- Correspond
- Cost
- Cough
- Count
- Cover
- Crack
- Crash
- Create
- Dare
- Debate
- Decide
- Decorate
- Dedicate
- Defend
- Delay
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- Delivery
- Demand
- Demonstrate
- Depend
- Describe
- Design
- Desire
- Destroy
- Detect
- Develop
- Devise
- Diagnose
- Dictate
- Dig
- Direct
- Disagree
- Disappear
- Discover
- Discuss
- Dislike
- Dismiss
- Display
- Dispute
- Dissect
- Distribute
- Dive
- Divide
- Do
- Donate
- Draft
- Drag
- Drain
- Draw
- Dream
- Dress
- Drill
- Drink
- Drive
- Drop
- Dry
- Earn
- Eat
- Edit
- Educate
- Elect
- Elevate
- Eliminate
- Embrace
- Employ
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- Empower
- Empty
- Encourage
- End
- Endorse
- Endure
- Enforce
- Engage
- Enhance
- Enjoy
- Enlarge
- Enlist
- Ensure
- Enter
- Entertain
- Envision
- Equip
- Escape
- Establish
- Estimate
- Evaluate
- Examine
- Excel
- Exchange
- Execute
- Exercise
- Exhibit
- Expand
- Expect
- Experience
- Experiment
- Explain
- Explore
- Express
- Extend
- Extract
- Fabricate
- Face
- Fade
- Fail
- Fall
- Familiarize
- Fan
- Fancy
- Fasten
- Fear
- Feature
- Feed
- Hope
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- Hug
- Hum
- Hunt
- Hurt
- Hypnotize
- Identify
- Ignore
- Illuminate
- Illustrate
- Imagine
- Implement
- Imply
- Import
- Impress
- Improve
- Improvise
- Inaugurate
- Include
- Incorporate
- Increase
- Indicate
- Induce
- Influence
- Inform
- Inherit
- Initiate
- Inject
- Injure
- Innovate
- Inquire
- Inspect
- Inspire
- Install
- Institute
- Instruct
- Integrate
- Intend
- Intensify
- Interact
- Interest
- Interfere
- Interpret
- Introduce
- Inundate
- Invade
- Invent
- Invest
- Investigate
- Invite
- Invoke
- Iron
- Isolate
- Itch
- Jam
- Jiggle
- Jingle
- Jolt
- Judge
- Jump
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- Justify
- Juxtapose
- Keep
- Key
- Kick
- Kill
- Kindle
- Kiss
- Knead
- Kneel
- Knock
- Know
- Label
- Labor
- Lament
- Land
- Landscape
- Languish
- Lap
- Lash
- Last
- Laugh
- Launch
- Lavish
- Lay
- Lead
- Leak
- Lean
- Leap
- Learn
- Leave
- Lecture
- Lend
- Lengthen
- Lessen
- Let
- Level
- License
- Lick
- Lie
- Life
- Lift
- Light
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300 Action Verbs | Images

Daily Chores List in English
Daily chores are the routine tasks that we perform on a daily basis to maintain our living space and keep it organized and clean. These chores can include a variety of activities such as making the bed, washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and vacuuming the floors. The list of Daily chores is given below:
- Make the bed
- Do the laundry
- Wash the dishes
- Clean the bathroom
- Vacuum the floors
- Sweep the floors
- Mop the floors
- Dust the furniture
- Take out the trash
- Feed the pets
- Water the plants
- Prepare meals
- Grocery shopping
- Ironing clothes
- Organize the closet
- Clean the windows
- Wipe down kitchen counters and appliances
- Scrub the toilet
- Sweep the porch
- Clean the refrigerator.
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Remember, daily chores can vary depending on personal preferences and household needs.

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